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Moving Forward

Writer's picture: Caroline CellaCaroline Cella

I previously wrote a blog about these verses and usually do not like to repeat a verse.

However, today I am in a different place, and I sense God is encouraging me to move forward

from where I presently find myself. The grief journey has many ups and downs and one can get

stuck at any point. To move on and grow, we need to learn to let go of the past and focus on

the future, while releasing the pain and regrets of the past and embracing the possibilities and

opportunities of the present and future.

We never forget our loved ones and our memories help sustain us for the rest of our

lives. I quote from A Month of Memories Words of Comfort on the Death of a Loved one,

written by Joan Chittister, “There is a period when parts of us that died with the death of those,

we loved rise again in the recollection of past moments and the tears of past tenderness. This

is when we know for certain that every deed, we ever do lives on somewhere in someone who

remembers it. This is when we are made to see death as a prod to life.” Much to reflect from

this and the following. “The death of someone we know reminds us that we are still alive for a

purpose. Our growing is not over yet; our giving is not finished.”

More than losses can bring regrets and as caretakers we can get stuck in trying to

control, lacking forgiveness, and not living in the moment. Our caretaking responsibilities can

be consuming, but if our go-to is usually anxiety, rather than trust, our time, energy, and

emotions quickly drain. That sentence is from the former blog and seems to fit for all of us on

any given day. Seeking the word of God on faith and trust helps us to stay in the moment and

not find ourselves at an impasse. We take confidence from 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, “Be on your

guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Your every act should be done with


Read recently, any time you experience loss; you’ll face four emotions. Anger – why did

this happen to me? Grief – What have I lost? Shock – What’s going on here? Fear – what’s

going to happen next? When experiencing a setback, one needs to express every one of these

emotions. God can handle them because He is the One who gave them to us, and we are made

in God’s image. The goal is gaining complete and present knowledge of the Lord, and our

energy needs to be given to following the Lord. I read that spiritual maturity is not telling God

what you want, it’s letting Him tell you what He wants.

In a recent trip to Barnes and Nobles, I saw a box, titled, Crush your Goals. My surprise

came when I turned it over and saw the title, Go Get ‘Em, Tiger. This was my husband’s love

name for me, and I sensed his inspiration encouraging my goal to write. Yes, I bought the

inspiring quote cards. I continue to be grateful for the many signs of God’s love that continues to carry me, as I try to go forward one day at a time. What do you need to let go of that will

enable you to keep on keeping on?

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