This psalm by David, expresses the intimate relationship between God and the
worshiper. I can picture Jesus, being familiar and praying with this psalm and have always
prayed it myself thinking that. Sometimes caretaking can seem parched, lifeless, without water,
and land. In those times we might feel discouraged, the psalms are a strong comfort. Verse
further on, also consoles and gives hope. “My soul clings fast to You; Your right hand upholds
me.” A thirsting heart seeks the Lord, and we are restless, until we rest in God. I can trust God is
maintaining ‘everything’ in my life, and in the lives of those I love.
Sharing wisdom from Joan Chittister (From 25 Windows into the Soul, Praying with the
Psalms) “How long has it been since you’ve taken a day simply to reflect on the way you live –
how fast, how balanced, how sensible, how realistic is it? The sad thing is that too often, we
choose to fret about life, rather than reflect on it.” When we do get the chance to reflect and
look at how many times God has been there for us, we might realize that our expectations for
others and ourselves can be out of line and to our detriment. I read recently that high
expectations are often a form of trying to control both the outcome and other people, and can
lead to considerable stress and mood swings.
God is there guiding us to our best self and calls us to be our own best friend. However,
if our expectations or perfectionism is over the top, it calls for possible adjustment. Take time
to notice your expectations. Try to recognize each time you feel annoyed, frustrated, or let
down. What is the expectation behind what you are feeling? My husband use to say, “If you do
not expect, you will not be disappointed.” When we look back on our difficulties, we realize
that they were not the end of the story, God used them to strengthen us and build our
confidence. I believe He is still does today.
The Word Among Us, Daily Meditations for January 27 wrote, “As we keep our eyes on
all that God has brought us through already, we deepen our ability to endure. We grow in
trusting that even now, God is faithful and will be with us. We come to understand that He will
give us the stamina we need to do His will. And so, we become like Hebrews 10:39, ‘We are not
among those who draw back and perish, but among those who have faith and will possess life.”
Recognize that fear can crowd out our confidence in the Lord. Overwhelming forces that
threaten us, sickness, broken relationships, uncertainty about the future, awaken fear. Lean on
the great evidence of God’s loving care through the years of your life. Every time fear threatens
faith, try to trust, and hold firm to Faithful love. In faith, I believe Love overcomes, do you?