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Walking in His Steps


The book of Job tries to answer the question – ‘If God is just and good, why does He let innocent people suffer?’ As the book continues for 42 chapters, we see a God who cares so much for us, He is prepared to shoulder the whole burden of human sin and suffering. He knows everything we suffer, every ill health, we and our loved ones endure and continues to strengthen us through our caretaking and anything we undertake in life. In his heart of hearts, Job does not believe God is unjust, even though He seems to be acting unjustly. How often do we question God and there are no answers to Mystery? I have found making an investment in the Word of God changed my life and keeps me going in the best direction, with faith and hope in my heart.

While the wisdom book of Job aids us through our suffering, I identify with the second verse of chapter 23 – Job says, ‘Though I know my complaint is bitter, His hand is heavy upon me in my groanings.’ Unfortunately, I complain and it is reassuring to know that God accepts my rebellion and complaining, even when I fall short of needed faith and trust. Do we ever contemplate how good is our God to accept us, as we are? God is not surprised by anything going on in our life. As Job says, ‘He knows our way and brings us forth as gold.’

Attentiveness to God’s word and prayer has supported and given me courage to cope with the adversities in my life. Through the Scriptures, God speaks words of comfort, guidance and hope, as He wraps His arms around me drawing me ever closer to His heart. Gratefully, He accepts me unconditionally, even when I fail to give myself the benefit of the doubt. God’s mercy for me has enabled me to give this mercy to others. It is in allowing God’s love within us to overflow and impact other people, that we make the world a better place. J

ob does not lose his faith, but longs to be justified before God and to regain his honor as a good man. He senses that God is greater than how traditional religion depicts Him and we can’t but agree. Through God’s love and walking in His steps, I have discovered I am capable of much more than I thought possible. With the combination of natural abilities and God’s supernatural empowerment, anything is possible. Knowing God loves me unconditionally gives me courage to confront fear and live in victory.

Despite suffering, can you believe and pray with the words of Psalm 28:7, “The Lord is my strength and my shield, in whom my heart trusted and found help. So my heart rejoices; with my song I praise God.”

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